Senin, 09 Januari 2012

Eliminating Blogspot Content Warning

For beginners, this material may be very important, including me.

I got confused when I opened my blogspot content warning blogspot is always there. I think maybe because his blog is still new times yes. But after the age of 2 weeks and I already submit my blog to some directories ga though many, still, content warning blogspot is always there.
You may experience this when opening your blog.

Finally one morning I idly search on google and see his blog yubipunya kang. It so happened that the material is discussed blogspot content warning. It was easy lho eliminate warning content blogs.

This way:

1. Log into

2. Open your blog account

3. Go to the Settings menu

4. In the sub menus Adult Content? select No

  5. save

untuk bahasa indonesia di

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